
3191 Cole Road
Eaton, NY 13334

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Service Areas

Our central location makes it easy to reach us for treatment no matter where you live! We are within 18 miles from Onieda, Cazenovia, Sherburne, Clinton, and Waterville.

Being just a minute away from Leland Pond and Mosher Farms, we are just an 8 minute drive from Hamilton, NY and a 5 minute drive from Morrisville, NY! Whether you are a college student, a high school athlete, a working adult, or retired individual, LaFrance Physical Therapy welcomes all members of our local communities for treatment.

Serving: Eaton, NY - Bouckville, NY - West Eaton, NY - Hamilton, NY - Sherburne, NY - Waterville, NY - Clinton, NY - Oneida, NY - Cazenovia, NY - and surrounding areas!


  1. Head to the Leland Pond fishing access spot in Bouckville
  2. Take the first right after the fishing access spot, which is our road - Cole Road
  3. You'll soon see the big building that contains all of the Healthy You Integrated Care businesses with our brand new paved parking lot!
  4. Enter through the double doors with the signs for us and the Fit You gym
  5. You'll see the entrance to our clinic on the left